Seminar of the Leonine Commission

Philology in the Service of the Thought

Paris, September 30-October 3, 2020


The members of the Leonine Commission propose the sharing of the results of their current research with 8 friars and sisters of the Dominican Order who are engaged in studies and research. Presentations in Italian and English. The number of registrations available is limited.

Drawing upon the experience of editing the texts of Saint Thomas, the seminar offers the possibility of acquiring familiarity with the history of the composition and transmission of medieval Latin writings, as well as with the methods of their editorial work. The purpose is to permit a reading of medieval Latin texts that takes stock of their elaboration and sources, as well as the modes of transmission that have brought them to us.


43ter, rue de la Glacière, 75013 Paris.


La philologie au service de la pensée

Participants et intervenants au séminaire

  1. Pablo Carlos Sicouly op (Prov. d’Argentine ; Socius du Maitre de l’Ordre, Rome)
  2. Augustinus Aerssens OP (Prov. des Pays-Bas ; doctorant à Fribourg, Suisse)
  3. Camille de Belloy OP (Prov. de France ; RSPT, Paris)
  4. Étienne Bernard, OP (Prov. de France ; étudiant à Lyon)
  5. Joan Franks op (Dominican Sister of Peace ; Ohio Dominican University, USA)
  6. Alexandre Frezzato OP (Prov. de Suisse ; étudiant à Fribourg)
  7. Simon Gayne OP (Prov. d’Angleterre, Régent des études ; Oxford)
  8. Jean Giang OP (Prov. du Vietnam ; doctorant à Paris)
  9. Daniel Gordon (laïc ; Pont. Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, Washington DC)
  10. Matthew Jarvis OP (Prov. d’Angleterre, Lanchester)
  11. Conor McDonough OP (Prov. d’Irlande ; doctorant à Fribourg, Suisse)
  12. Felix de los Reyes Jr. OP (Prov. des Philippines ; Manille)
  13. Innocent Smith OP (Prov. St-Joseph, USA ; NewYork)
  14. André Tavarès OP (Prov. du Brésil ; doctorant à Paris)
  15. John Paul Thomas OP (Inde ; étudiant à Fribourg, en Suisse)
  16. Athanasius Thompson OP (Prov. Holy Name ; USA)
  17. l’abbé Jean Népomucène Nimwezere (Paris, doctorant à ICP)
  18. Timothy Bellamah, op (Commissio Leonina, Washington / Paris)
  19. Gilles Berceville, op (Commissio Leonina / ICP, Paris)
  20. Marta Borgo (Commissio Leonina, Paris)
  21. Iacopo Costa (Commissio Leonina / CNRS, Paris)
  22. Winfried Fauser sj (Commissio Leonina, Paris)
  23. Marc Millais, op (Commissio Leonina, Paris)
  24. Jean-Christophe de Nadaï, op (Commissio Leonina, Paris)
  25. Adriano Oliva, op (Commissio Leonina / CNRS, Paris)
  26. Kevin White (Commissio Leonina, Washington DC, USA).


SemLeon gruppo

La philologie au service de la pensée


Lundi 25 juin 2018

9h          Introduction, par le fr. Adriano Oliva, op
9h 30    Fr. Jean-Christophe de Nadaï, op, La littérature sententiaire
10h 30  Pause

10h 45  P. Winfried Fauser, sj, L’édition du commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin à Sentences IV

11h 45   Pause

15h        Échanges sur les exposés du matin
15h 30  Fr. Adriano Oliva, op, Les questions disputées de Thomas d’Aquin

16h 45  Ateliers : 1) paléographie ; 2) critique textuelle ; 3) sources.

Mardi 26 juin 2018

09h         Iacopo Costa, Le commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin au De caelo d’Aristote
10h 15    Pause

10h 30    Kevin WhiteLe commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin aux Meteorologica d’Aristote
11h 45    Pause

15h         Échanges sur les exposés du matin
15h 30   Marta BorgoLe commentaire de Thomas d’Aquin à la Métaphysique d’Aristote

16h 45   Ateliers : 1) paléographie ; 2) critique textuelle ; 3) sources.

 Mercredi 27 juin 2018

Visite de la Bibliothèque Mazarine et du Paris médiéval.

Jeudi 28 juin 2018

09h          Fr. Gilles Berceville, op, La Bible de Thomas d’Aquin
10h 15     Pause

10h 30     Fr. Timothy Bellamah, op, Le commentaire de Thomas à l’Évangile de saint Jean
11h 45     Pause

14h 30      Présentation des participants
15h            Échanges sur les exposés du matin
15h 30   Fr. Marc Millais, op, Les Collationes dans les collections d’opuscules et les listes anciennes

16h 45   Ateliers : 1) paléographie ; 2) critique textuelle ; 3) sources.

18h       Conclusions

Seminar « Philology in the Service of Thought »

Paris, June 25-28, 2018

SemLeon Iacopo & sala

In the context of a seminar held every four years, the members of the Leonine Commission shared results of their research for the edition of the writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas with members of the Dominican order, both friars and sisters, who are involved in study and research.  With reference to work in progress, but also to already published editions, the seminar offered an opportunity to become familiar with the history of the composition and transmission of the works of Saint Thomas; with the method used in editing them; and with their contextualization, in relation not only to other medieval authors, but also to Saint Thomas’s sources.


In nine working sessions, and in three workshops that were presented each day, the members of the Leonine Commission explained the principles and application of the sciences involved in the editing process (codicology, paleography, ecdotic method and textual criticism, study of sources).  The working sessions were complemented by an examination of manuscripts of the former Couvent Saint-Jacques that are now conserved at the Mazarine Library, and a tour of medieval Paris.

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Fourteen Dominican friars, one sister, a layman and a priest, from several continents, took part in the seminar.  They expressed their satisfaction with the seminar, and requested that the Leonine Commission consider holding more frequent such sessions of formation in philology and Latin paleography, even in Dominican centers of study outside of Europe.

(Version française ici)