The Leonine Collection


Vol. 1*, 1 Expositio libri Peryermenias. Editio altera retractata [ed. R.-A. Gauthier], Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – J. Vrin, 1989, 35 x 25, 88* + 109 p. [purchase].
Vol. 1*, 2 Expositio libri Posteriorum. Editio altera retractata [ed. R.-A. Gauthier], Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – J. Vrin, 1989, 35 x 25, 77* + 283 p. [purchase].

First editionCommentaria in Aristotelis libros Peri hermeneias et Posteriorum analyticorum, cum synopsibus et annotationibus Fr. Thomae Mariae Zigliara, [these commentaries are preceded by a dedication to Pope Leo XIII, the encyclical Aeterni patris, the letters Iampridem considerando, Placere nobis, Cum hoc sit, promulgated by the pontiff, as well as two biographies of Saint Thomas composed respectively by Echard (1719) and De Rubeis (1750)] Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1882, CCCXLVI + 438 p. [out of stock].

Published in 1889, volume I of the Leonine edition was critically and historically out of date. The new edition establishes on a more secure basis the critical text of these commentaries on two logical works by Aristotle, composed by St. Thomas towards the end of his life. The introduction provides an elaborate account of the state of logic among the Dominican master’s predecessors and successors.


Vol. 2 : Commentaria in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis, ad codices manuscriptos extracta, Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1884, 37 x 26, XX + 480 p. [out of stock ; new edition in progress].


Vol. 3 : Commentaria in libros Aristotelis  De caelo et mundo, De generatione et corruptione et MeteorologicorumRomae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1886, 37 x 26, XL + 445 + CXLVIII p. [out of stock ; new editions in progress].


Vol. 4-12 : Summa theologiae cum Supplemento et commentariis Card. Caietani, [vol. 4, p. VII-VIII : letter promulgated by Pope Leo XIII, Volumen tertium], Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1888-1906, 9 vol. [out of stock].


Vol. 4  [Ia Pars, qq. 1-49] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1888, 37 x 26, XV + 510 p. [out of stock].  – vol. 5 [Ia Pars, qq. 50-119] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1889, 37 x 26, 584 p. [out of stock]. – vol. 6 [Ia IIae, qq. 1-70] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1891, 37 x 26, [8] + 471 p. [out of stock]. – vol. 7 [Ia IIae, qq. 71-114] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1892, 37 x 26, 362 p. [out of stock]. – vol. 8 [IIa IIae, qq. 1-51] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1895, 37 x 26, XLII + 413 p. [out of stock]. – vol. 9 [IIa IIae, qq. 52-122] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1897, 37 x 26, XXVI + 495 p. [out of stock]. – vol. 10 [IIa IIae, qq. 123-189] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1899, 37 x 26, XXXVIII + 564 p. [out of stock]. – vol. 11 [IIIa Pars, qq. 1-59] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1903, 37 x 26, LII + 555 p. [out of stock]. – vol. 12 [IIIa Pars, qq. 60-90 suppl.] : Romae, Typographia poliglotta S. C. de Propaganda Fide, 1906, 37 x 26, XIX + 264 p. [out of stock].


Vol. 13-15 : Summa contra GentilesRomae, Typis Riccardi Garroni, 1918-1930, 3 vol [purchase]. 

The work’s original title, “The Truth of the Catholic Faith Against the Errors of the Infidels” expresses well this summa’s object — to defend, over and against objections drawn especially from pagan philosophers, all that is accessible to human reason in Christian doctrine: book I on God, book II on creation (volume 13), book III on providence and divine government (volume 14); then to show that what depends only on faith is not contrary to reason, book IV (volume 15). The edition derives benefit from the existence of a partially preserved autograph. The text is accompanied by the sixteenth-century commentary of Sylvester of Ferrara.

Vol. 13 : Summa contra Gentiles cum commentariis Ferrarensis, [libri I-II], Romae, Typis Riccardi Garroni, 1918, 37 x 26, LIX + 601 + 4 pl. + 67* p. [purchase] – vol. 14 : Summa contra Gentiles …, liber III,  Romae, Typis Riccardi Garroni, 1926, LII + 475 + 55* p. [purchase]. – vol. 15 : Summa contra Gentiles …, liber IV, Romae, Apud Sedem Commissionis Leoninae – Typis Riccardi Garroni, 1930, L + 303 p. [purchase].


Vol. 16 : Indices auctoritatum et rerum occurrentium in Summa theologiae et Summa contra Gentiles et in annexis commentariis, Romae, Apud Sedem Commissionis Leoninae, 1948, 37 x 26, XXVI + 648 p. [purchase].

Notwithstanding the development of digital resources, these diverse indices to the Summa Theologiae and the Summa contra Gentiles, as well as to the commentaries on these works by Cajetan and Sylvester of Ferrara, remain a highly valuable tool for research.


Vol. 17-19 : Scriptum super I-III libros Sententiarum [in progress].


Vol. 20 : Scriptum super IV librum Sententiarum [in progress].


Vol. 21 : Quaestiones disputatae de potentia [in progress].


Vol. 22 : Quaestiones disputatae de veritate, [ed. A. Dondaine], Roma, Editori di San Tommaso, 1970-1976, 3 vol., 35 x 25 [purchase].

The Questions on Truth, disputed by St. Thomas during his first period of teaching in Paris (1256-1259), are a good example of thirteenth-century university disputations. The first two volumes offer a thorough presentation of St. Thomas’ epistemology. The third is primarily concerned with God’s will, the good and grace. The main part of the text is based on the original manuscript dictated by St. Thomas.

Vol. 22, 1 : fasc. 1, Praefatio, 1975, 184* + [6] p. ; fasc. 2, QQ. 1-7, 1970, 214 p. [purchase] – vol. 22, 2 : fasc. 1, QQ. 8-12, 1970, 200 [215-414] p. ; fasc. 2, QQ. 13-20, 1972, 176 [415-590] p. [purchase] –  vol. 22, 3 : fasc. 1, QQ. 21-29, 1973, 282 [591-872] p. ; fasc. 2, Indices, 1976, 61 [873-933] p. [purchase].


Vol. 23 : Quaestiones disputatae de malo, [ed. P.-M. Gils], Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – J. Vrin, 1982, 35 x 25, 72* + 383 p. [purchase]. 

The first fifteen questions on evil, most probably disputed in Paris around 1270, treat of the nature, causes and various aspects of evil and sin, as well as the seven capital sins. Question 16, on devils, was added in 1272. The edition is based on the exemplar (model) of the University of Paris.


Vol. 24, 1 : Quaestiones disputatae de anima, ed. B. C. Bazán, Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – Éd. du Cerf, 1996, 35 x 25, 102* + 243 p. [purchase].
Vol. 24, 2 : Quaestio disputata de spiritualibus creaturis, ed.  J. Cos, Roma – Paris, Commissio Leona – Éd. du Cerf, 2000, 32*, 175 p. [purchase].

St. Thomas has left us two series of disputed questions on the problems of psychology, both of which date to his period of teaching in Italy. The first is anterior to the Prima pars of the Summa Theologiae for which it lays some groundwork. The second dates to the end of St. Thomas’ Italian teaching and was published in Paris.


Vol. 24, 3 : Quaestiones disputatae de uirtutibus in communi, de caritate, de correctione fraterna, de spe, de uirtutibus cardinalibus, de unione Verbi incarnati [in progress].


Vol. 25 : Quaestiones de quolibet, ed. R.-A. Gauthier, Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – Éd. du Cerf, 1996, 2 vol., 35 x 25 [purchase].

The questions de quolibet allowed anyone in attendance to put highly varied questions to the master, often those on controversial issues. The manuscript and printed tradition is highly complex and required a comprehensive study, not only to provide a reliable text, but also to secure the chronology (especially for Quodlibeta VI and XII), to elucidate the problems presented, and in particular, to establish firmly the unity of Quodlibeta VII  and IV.

Vol. 25, 1 : Préface, Quodl. VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, 160* + 174 – vol. 25, 2 : Quodl. I, II, III, VI, IV, V, XII, Indices, Appendix, 328 [175-502] + XXIII p. [the two volumes are sold together: purchase].


Vol. 26 : Expositio super Iob ad litteram, [ed. A. Dondaine], Romae, Ad Sanctae Sabinae, 1965, 35 x 25, XII +144* + 335 p. [purchase].

The commentary on the book of Job dates to St. Thomas’ stay at Orvieto around 1260. The work is important for its theology of providence, and is a fine example of the usage of Aristotelian philosophy in biblical commentary.


Vol. 27 : Super Psalmos [in progress].


Vol. 28 : Expositio super Isaiam ad litteram, [H. F. Dondaine, L. Reid], Roma, Santa Sabina, Editori di San Tommaso, 1974, 35 x 25, 85* + 293 p[purchase].

The commentary on Isaiah dates back to St. Thomas’ time as a biblical bachelor at the priory of St. Jacques in Paris. This youthful work is a rapid (cursory) commentary on the biblical text, with annotations allowing for spiritual digressions. The autograph, partially preserved, serves as basis to the edition.


Vol. 29 : Expositio super Ieremiam et Threnos.


Vol. 30 : Expositio super Matthaeum [in progress].


Vol. 31 : Expositio super Ioannem [in progress].


Vol. 32 : Expositio super Epistolam ad Romanos [in progress].


Vol. 33-35 : Expositio super Epistolas Pauli [in progress].


Vol. 36-39 : Glosa continua super Euangelia. Catena aurea.


Vol. 40 : [Opuscula I, ed. H.-F. Dondaine :] In opuscula introductio generalis [1967, p. III-X], Contra errores Graecorum [ad Urbanum papam, 1967, p. A 1-A 165], De rationibus fidei [ad Cantorem Antiochenum, 1968, p. B 1-B 79], De forma absolutionis [1968, p. C 1-C 47], De substantiis separatis [1968, p. D 1-D 87], Super Decretalem [Expositio super Primam et Secundam Decretalem ad Archidiaconum Tudertinum, 1968, p. E 1-E 53], Romae, Ad Sanctae Sabinae, 1969, 35 x 25, 441 p. [purchase].

Vol. 41 : [Opuscula II, ed. H.-F. Dondaine :] [LiberContra impugnantes Dei cultum et religione [1970 ; p. A 1-A 181], [LiberDe perfectione spiritualis vitae [1969, p. B 1-B 122], [LiberContra doctrinam retrahentium a religione [1969, p. C 1-C 87], Romae, Ad Sanctae Sabinae, 1970, 35 x 25, 394 p. [purchase].

Vol. 42 : [Opuscula III :] Compendium theologiae [Brevis compilatio theologiae ad fratrem Raynaldum. De fide : ed. H.-F. Dondaine. Préface : p. 3-48 ; texte : p. 75-191. De spe : ed. G. de Grandpré, Préface : p. 49-73 ; texte : p. 193-205], De articulis fidei et Ecclesiae sacramentis [ad Archiepiscopum Panormitanum, ed. H.-F. Dondaine, p. 207-257], Responsio [ad Magistrum Ioannem de Vercellisde 108 articulis [ed. Idem, p. 259-294], Responsio de 43 articulisResponsio de 36 articulis [Responsiones ad Magistrum Ioannem de Vercellis de 43 articulis et ad Lectorem Venetum de 36 articulis, ed. Idem, p. 295-346], Responsio [ad Lectorem Bisuntinumde 6 articulis [ed. Idem, p. 347-356], Epistola ad Ducissam Brabantiae [ed. Idem, p. 357-378], De emptione et venditione ad tempus [ed. Idem, p. 379-394], Epistola ad Bernardum abbatem Casinensem [ed. A. Dondaine, p. 395-415], De regno ad Regem Cypri [ed. H.-F. Dondaine, p. 417-471], De secreto [ed. Idem, p. 473-488], Roma, Editori di San Tommaso, 1979, 35 x 25, 529 p. [purchase].

Vol. 43 : [Opuscula IV, ed. H.-F. Dondaine, based on the previous work of P. J. M. Perrier :] De principiis naturae [ad Fratrem Sylvestrum, p. 1-47], De aeternitate mundi [p. 49-89], De motu cordis [ad Magistrum Philippum de Castro Caeli, p. 91-130], De mixtione elementorum [ad Magistrum Philippum de Castro Caeli, p. 131-157], De operationibus occultis naturae [ad quendam Militem Ultramontanum, p. 159-186], De iudiciis astrorum [p. 187-201], [Liber] De sortibus [ad dominum Iacobum de Tonengo, p. 203-238 ; suivi d’une Brevior recensio, p. 239-241], De unitate intellectus [contra averroistas, p. 243-314], De ente et essentia [p. 315-381] ; [Appendice :] De fallaciis. De propositionibus modalibus [p. 383-422], Roma, Editori di San Tommaso, 1976, 35 x 25, 457 p. [purchase].

Besides his major works, St. Thomas had occasion to compose shorter treatises. Appearing among them are replies to questions that had been sent to him (on the movements of the heart, the mixing of elements, usury). Others are elements of polemical discussions, either on philosophy (De unitate intellectus, De aeternitate mundi), or on the defense of mendicant religious (De perfectione spiritualis vitae). Still others are treatises in the strict sense (De ente et essentia, De principiis naturae). Traditionally added to this collection are a few more important yet incomplete works (Compendium theologiae, De substantiis separatis, De regno ad regem Cypri). These works, of very unequal length, are often of considerable theological, philosophical or historical interest.


Vol. 44, 1 : Sermones, ed. L. J. Bataillon, Roma  – Paris, Commissio Leonina – Éd. du Cerf, 2014, 35 x 25, 201* + 419 p. [purchase]. 

Collected and edited by Fr. L. J. Bataillon, Thomas’ sermons show his ability to apply the fruits of his theological speculation to his preaching, at once accessible and profound, adapted to his audience and rich in practical instruction. What emerges is a previously unseen portrait of Thomas as a religious, a thinker and a preacher.


Vol. 44, 2 : De decem preceptis, Super Credo, Super Pater, Super Ave Maria, Principia [in progress].


Vol. 45, 1 : Sentencia libri De anima, [ed. R.-A. Gauthier], Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – J. Vrin, 1984, 35 x 25, VIII + 294* + 313 p. [purchase].
Vol. 45, 2 : Sentencia libri De sensu et sensato cuius secundus tractatus est De memoria et reminiscencia, [ed. R.-A. Gauthier], Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – J. Vrin, 1985, 35 x 25, XII + 128* + 155 p. [purchase].

The edition provides the critical text of St. Thomas’ commentaries on Aristotle’s psychological treatises. It also includes the critical text of the Latin translations of the latter, which are partial recensions of William of Moerbeke’s revisions. The edition endeavors to situate the work in its historical context.


Vol. 46 : Sententia libri Metaphysicorum [in progress].


Vol. 47, 1-2 : Sententia libri Ethicorum, [ed. R.-A. Gauthier], Romae, Ad Sanctae Sabinae, 1969, vol. 1 : Praefatio, Libri I-III, 35, 25, XI + 275* + 194 p. [purchase]; vol. 2 : Libri IV-X, Indices, 35, 25, 488 [195-683] p. [purchase].

Dated of 1271-1272, the commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics is contemporary to the Secunda pars (on morals) of the Summa Theologiae. Based on a revision of Grosseteste’s translation, it is heavily influenced by Albert the Great and the Parisian Masters of Arts.


Vol. 48 : Sententia libri Politicorum. Tabula libri EthicorumSententia libri Politicorum, [ed. H.-F. Dondaine, L. J. Bataillon, p. A 1-A 215], Tabula libri Ethicorum, [ed. R.-A. Gauthier, p. B 1-B 172], Appendix : Saint Thomas et l’Éthique à Nicomaque, [R.-A. Gauthier, p. I-XXVII], Romae, Ad Sanctae Sabinae, 1971, 35 x 25, 414 p. [purchase].

The commentary on Aristotle’s Politics ends at chapter six of Book III. The text, very corrupt in earlier editions, has been restored according to the Parisian exemplar. The Tabula libri Ethicorum is an alphabetical lexicon for the preparation of the Sententia. The end of the volume offers a remarquable restatement of Fr. Gauthier on the place of the Ethics in the thought of St. Thomas.


Vol. 49 : Super librum De causis. Super librum Dionysii De divinis nominibus [in progress].


Vol. 50 : Super Boetium De Trinitate. Expositio libri Boetii De ebdomadibusSuper Boetium De Trinitate, [ed. P.-M. Gils. Préface : p. 3-67 ; texte : p. 75-171 ; appendice : S. Thomas écrivain, p. 173-209 ; Indices : p. 211-230], Expositio libri Boetii De ebdomadibus, [ed. L. J. Bataillon, C. A. Grassi. Préface : p. 233-264 ; texte : 265-282 ; indices : 283-296], Roma – Paris, Commissio Leonina – Éd. du Cerf, 1992, 35 x 25, 297 p.  [purchase].

The commentary on Boethius’ treatise De trinitate was written at the end of St. Thomas’ first period of teaching in Paris and is unfinished. It examines thoroughly what the human mind can know about God. Due to the survival of a good part of the autograph, the edited text is very accurate. The other, later, commentary on Boethius is concerned mainly with the metaphysical question of participation. An important appendix, “Saint Thomas, écrivain,” by Fr. Gils is based upon an exhaustive study of St. Thomas’ autographs. It shows how he actually wrote his works and analyzes a few traits of his personality.



Codices manuscripti operum Thomae de Aquino

Vol. I (Autographa et Bibliothecae A-F), éd. H.-F. Dondaine et H. V. Shooner, Romae, Commissio Leonina – Ad Sanctae Sabinae, 1967, 16, 5 x 23, 5, 318 p. + 12 planches.

Vol. II (Bibliothecae Gdańsk – Münster), éd. H. V. Shooner & al., Romae, Commissio Leonina – Ad Sanctae Sabinae, 1973, 16, 5 x 23, 5, 435 p. [purchase].

Vol. III (Bibliothecae Namur – Paris), éd. H. V. Shooner, Montréal – Paris, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal – Vrin, 1985, 16, 5 x 23, 5, 395 p. [out of stock].

Following the publication of A. Dondaine’s Secrétaires de saint Thomas in 1956 as the first volume of the collection “Editores operum sancti Thomae de Aquino,” these three volumes continue the series, presenting the fruit of an investigation pursued over the course of many years in the public and private libraries of Europe and North America. By illustrating the history of the diffusion of St. Thomas’ writings up to the end of the fifteenth century, this tool for research offers many possibilities for meeting the needs of medievalists and codicologists.



Secrétaires de saint Thomas, par A. Dondaine, Romae, Ad Sanctae Sabinae, Commissio Leonina (« Editores Operum Sancti Thomae de Aquino » 1), 1956, 2 vols, 16, 5 x 23, 5, 277 p. 



Since 1992 the Leonine Collection is distributed by Cerf Editions, Paris. The volumes are available for purchase online [download the liste of available volumes].